Friday 28 October 2016

How will be my future job?

Hi people!
Is difficult to think about how will be my future job, because the future is uncertain, and sometimes our wishes can change and the life can prepare something different. But I like to think how could be work in physical anthropology in Chile or in the world.

I know that if I choose work with contract and in laboratory, is probably that I will had to work from 8-9 to 5-6, and that is not good, because I like have time to share with my family and friends, and have time for myself, is very important have your own space and time to relax. I would like to go out of Chile and work in Forensic Anthropology because in other countries the career is more value, the salary is more high, and there's other lines of investigation that I would like to follow.    

In the future, I see me working almost all the time in laboratories, and sometimes traveling to some place for remove the skeletal remains. I can see me working with other persons of different disciplines in investigation, I think it's very important. 

But I don't want to live only with a degree in Anthropology with mention in Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, I would like to study other careers to complement my education, and construct my own way in investigation and academic field. I would like to work in a job that allow me travel, have enough free time and develop my skills in other fields, like sports (I would like to know about other martial arts), other activities like sing (I love sing), play piano, etc., and I hope have long holidays :3 

I hope work enough to buy my own house and support many cats that I want to have xD
But for reach all these things, I have to get past these situation:

Have a nice looooong wekend!! Enjoy.


  1. Hi Mary, I think the same, is important to time for other things, not only work, like practice any sport or share with your family or friends.

  2. Mary I'm agree with you!! I think that is very important to work with other persons of different disciplines, because you can get a good investigation. Also, I would like to travel and work in others countries, because unfortunately in Chile this career is not good value :c.

  3. TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL!! is the best xD one of the advantages of this career is that, and i like very much. I´m agree with you is important study other things like a complement.

  4. asdfghjklñsdfghjkdfghj cats sdfghjkdfgh. I think is important complement your job and your personal interest, that's makes it more funny and gives you more motivation
