Friday 28 October 2016

How will be my future job?

Hi people!
Is difficult to think about how will be my future job, because the future is uncertain, and sometimes our wishes can change and the life can prepare something different. But I like to think how could be work in physical anthropology in Chile or in the world.

I know that if I choose work with contract and in laboratory, is probably that I will had to work from 8-9 to 5-6, and that is not good, because I like have time to share with my family and friends, and have time for myself, is very important have your own space and time to relax. I would like to go out of Chile and work in Forensic Anthropology because in other countries the career is more value, the salary is more high, and there's other lines of investigation that I would like to follow.    

In the future, I see me working almost all the time in laboratories, and sometimes traveling to some place for remove the skeletal remains. I can see me working with other persons of different disciplines in investigation, I think it's very important. 

But I don't want to live only with a degree in Anthropology with mention in Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, I would like to study other careers to complement my education, and construct my own way in investigation and academic field. I would like to work in a job that allow me travel, have enough free time and develop my skills in other fields, like sports (I would like to know about other martial arts), other activities like sing (I love sing), play piano, etc., and I hope have long holidays :3 

I hope work enough to buy my own house and support many cats that I want to have xD
But for reach all these things, I have to get past these situation:

Have a nice looooong wekend!! Enjoy.

Friday 21 October 2016

TV series: Criminal Minds

Hi blogger!
We have to speak about a TV series or soap operas we have an obsession with. In my case, at now I'm not obsessed with a Tv series because I haven't enough time. I like Tv series and movies about criminals, murderers, killers, and dark characters. The last series that I saw was Stranger Things during the strike (in july), but the series I used to be Obsessed is Criminal Minds, and that was 4 or 3 years ago.

Criminal Minds is an american police series television about drama and crime. I liked  (and I still like it) because it combines the music, poetry, physiology, life stories about the mean characters and the history of criminals of each chapter. I learned a lot with the chapters, because each chapter talks about a different criminal (who were serial killers), so the history, the pathology, and the way to solve the case always changes.  

 I loved the character of Spencer Reed (Matthew Gray Gubler), because is the cleverest man in the series, is a genius with many careers and PhD, he has an high IQ of 187, he can read 20000 words per minute, and has eidetic memory!!! He has problems to express his ideas, and can't understand hints, is very rational and no emotional (he has Asperger's syndrom). He is always reading many books, and the clothes he wears is not very common (maybe unfashionable but I like it). 

I used to see every day 2 or 3 chapters (because it has 12 season and every season has 12 chapters). When I was with my boyfriend and we were watching Tv, I didn't talk to him to see Criminal Minds :C But then I entered to the University and I see it less and less until I had no time to see Criminal Minds u.u And now I don't see more this because some of the actors are out of the Series, and I think all were important. But I still loving the opening of each chapter:

That's all.
Have a nice weekend, is Friday!!  

Friday 14 October 2016

Pets: my cats and dog

Hi everyone!
Today we choose to talk about pets. Yes!! I think animals are a essential part of my life, I used to live with a lot of animals in Queule, and I loved it, but now I have no pets in my house in Santiago, is sad for me. But I will talk about the more important pets in my life, the majority are cats, I love felines.

The first was Monin, I have no pictures about this cat, but he lived with me for five years around. He came to my life when I was six, I don't remember how he arrived, but he was loving, playful, and a wonderful cat. I shared my food with him xD I used to give him my yogurt, my bread, my lollipop, etc. He used to go with me partway to the school (I had to walk kilometers to go to the school), and when I returned to the house, he used to wait for me in the gate. One day, he went with me to the school, and when I returned, he was no waiting for me. He had gone, and never go back. I don't know what happens with he, but I suppose he was persue by a dog. That was a sad day.

The second is Romina. My grandfather gave me Romina one day... that I don't remember, but was almost six years ago. She was a crazy cat, she used to sleep over my stomach, and I couldn't move. We used to play with a lot of things, sometimes she gave me some gifts (birds or mouse). Then she became pregnant and I played with all of them. Romina died last year.

The last was Chiquitín, it was a dog, a little dog. My dog's aunt had five puppies, and I wanted one to take care of the house. When I saw the puppies, I look the smallest, he looked sick and helpless, and I chose him, that's the reason why I called him: Chiquitín. The best choice. That happened when I was 9. He was cheerful, happy, loving and playful. He used to go always with me to the beach, to run, to play, to walk, to sing, etc. He was a faithful friend, he was with my when I was sad, when I was angry, he never let my, I loved him. But when I came to Santiago, he became sick, until he died. I don't know if it was by sadness, but I miss him, every time I go to Queule, I remember when we used to run, and we felt free.

With this last picture I remember Chiquitín, we used to see the grow dark, together. 

Friday 7 October 2016

Frutillar and Chiloé!

Hi folks!
 Last semester I wrote about a band that I like (Arkona), and I described how was the concert in 2015 (I think it was the best concert, if you want to know more about this band, you can visit my post ), so today I'm going to talk about the best holiday I've ever had: the travel to Chiloé. 

'Teatro de los Lagos'

It was in February 2010, when I was thirteen. We were four in the car: my dad, my mom, my half-sister and I. We wanted to go to Chiloé for two weeks, but we turn to Frutillar many hours because my mom wanted to meet this place, and it was amazing. Frutillar has wonderful places with incredible sceneries, like the theatre, the lake, the volcano, the trees, etc. It was the first time that I went to Frutillar, and I would like to go back. I took some pictures, here are many of them.

Then we continued our travel, and after many hours, we arrived to Puerto Montt. We cross the ''Canal de Chacao'' in a ferry or ''transbordador''.
We continued in our travel and finally, we arrived in Quellón, where we saw beautiful scenery. We went to craft fairs, and the ''Hito Cero'', where the Carretera Panamericana ends, and another places that at now I don't remember, but I think all was amazing.
Hito Cero

My half-sister and I
Craft fair


 It was an unforgettable experience. I would like to go to Chiloé again.
I hope you have a nice weekend!!