Friday 18 November 2016

Myths and legends

Hi blogger!

Today I have to speak about my favorite myths. Really, I don't have favorite myths, as a student of anthropology and reader of hundred myths and legends, I think all are interesting and each one says a lot about its culture, so if difficult to choose one.
This time I will talk about the legend of 'El Camahueto'. 

This is a legend from Chiloé, Chile. I remember I read it from books when I was child, and it talks about a big calf and a horn on its forehead, like an unicorn. The animal has a powerful force. Camahueto born by a horn bury in the ground and grow up under hills near the coast, and when is 'adult' (twenty or twenty five years later), it surface and go to the ocean to find the marine cow (Vaca Marina, other mythology figure of Chiloé). In the road to go to the sea, Camahueto left deep groove in the ground with its horn that can become in a stream. Is impetuous, furious and violent, destroy all that is found in its road. People who suppose that there is one of them in their property, call to a wizard (named 'lacero') or a machi, who create a special string to capture the Camahueto. The animal is calmed when the wizard cut its horn, because the horn is the source of the force and virility. Then, the wizard guides the Camahueto to the sea. Machi or Lacero uses the horns for magic purpose, for example, can create another Camahueto or can prepare mixture, unguent, etc., use the horn for curing or illness. People says that one potion (scraping of the horn) has the capacity to restore the manhood of older man. It too has the power for rejuvenate, cure rheumatism, anemia, infection in the skin, etc. 

Like an interesting detail, the game: Mitos y Leyendas of Icarito has a card of this mythological animal.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. wooow i dont know it about this myth is fantastic, chiloe have a lot of wonderful myths

  2. Hello Mari c:
    I do not know is myth native to Chiloe in Chile, but I reading the that you wrote, I liked it c:
