Thursday 24 November 2016

Next Summer Holidays

Hi folks!
Summer is comming and my body knows it (I have allergy to the sun :C). I hate the summer, I don't like hot weather, I prefer frosty days. The good thing is: there is no more classes and you can rest after a exhausting academic year. 
I usually work in summer to have my money and buy the things that I need, and travel to someplace where I want to go, for example, last summer my boyfriend and I went to Viña del Mar for 1 week and we met other places around. For this year -really, next year because only February is my rest moth-, I only want to travel to Queule (the place where I lived) with my boyfriend, we enjoy touring different places, we can trekking, eat fresh food, go across the river with kayak, visit legendary places (for example: 'La piedra bruja'), etc. I had no more plans at now but I'm open to new experiences and improvise travels.   
Caleta Queule

I talked to my family about Malalhue and the Lake of Panguipulli (the place where we make the fieldwork), and my dad is fascinated to know the place, so is probably that we will go to Panguipulli in 2017. I would like to go again, because we went one day and that wasn't enough, Panguipulli is amazing and I would like to meet surroundings. 

Lake of Panguipulli

I always read a lot in summer and this summer won't be the exception. I have many books to read and I hope end the majority. I like to read while I'm travelling, and I travel a lot in car or bus (I love it), but I also like see the landscape, so I read more when we cross cities.   

That's all for today.
Have a nice weekend!

Friday 18 November 2016

Myths and legends

Hi blogger!

Today I have to speak about my favorite myths. Really, I don't have favorite myths, as a student of anthropology and reader of hundred myths and legends, I think all are interesting and each one says a lot about its culture, so if difficult to choose one.
This time I will talk about the legend of 'El Camahueto'. 

This is a legend from Chiloé, Chile. I remember I read it from books when I was child, and it talks about a big calf and a horn on its forehead, like an unicorn. The animal has a powerful force. Camahueto born by a horn bury in the ground and grow up under hills near the coast, and when is 'adult' (twenty or twenty five years later), it surface and go to the ocean to find the marine cow (Vaca Marina, other mythology figure of Chiloé). In the road to go to the sea, Camahueto left deep groove in the ground with its horn that can become in a stream. Is impetuous, furious and violent, destroy all that is found in its road. People who suppose that there is one of them in their property, call to a wizard (named 'lacero') or a machi, who create a special string to capture the Camahueto. The animal is calmed when the wizard cut its horn, because the horn is the source of the force and virility. Then, the wizard guides the Camahueto to the sea. Machi or Lacero uses the horns for magic purpose, for example, can create another Camahueto or can prepare mixture, unguent, etc., use the horn for curing or illness. People says that one potion (scraping of the horn) has the capacity to restore the manhood of older man. It too has the power for rejuvenate, cure rheumatism, anemia, infection in the skin, etc. 

Like an interesting detail, the game: Mitos y Leyendas of Icarito has a card of this mythological animal.

Have a nice weekend!

Sunday 13 November 2016

Post graduate studies in Anthropology

Hello Blogger!

This time, the post is about postgraduate courses I would like to take.

I have said before (in other post) that I want to study the mention of Physical Anthropology, so, if I end my career, I will have a bachelor's degree in Anthropology, mention in Physical Anthropology. But of course, I want to study always, forever and ever xD because I love to learn and makes me feel good help the people with my knowledge. 

I would like to know more about archaeology, forensic, and Egyptology, my dream is study and have graduate in these I mention, and of course, work in something related with these three subjects. I would like to take the: Biological Anthropological Science MPhil in University of Cambridge, Forensic or Medical Anthropology MSc in University of Edinburgh, Archaeology and Anthropology MPhil in University of Bristol and Egyptology in Spain or UK.

All the courses that I want to take are abroad, because in Chile these postgraduates are not enough developed. The best countries for study the things that I want are in North America or Europe, (UK, Spain, Germany), because there is more valuate these work and the payment is higher than in Chile (here you have to take more than one job for earn enough to sustain your home :C )  I prefer study in blended system because with this system I could work and study at the same time, to pay the postgraduate.
I don't know what will happen in the future, I hope be happy with my life and work, in equilibrium with me and the nature.
Have a nice weekend.