Sunday 26 June 2016

A musical-fantasy movie: 'Imaginaerum' (2012)

Hi blogger:
This time I must talk about movies. yeyy!! I like see movies, series and short films of different genres, from adventure, science fiction, drama, and crime to surreal fiction, historical, etc. The only genres I don't like (they tired me) are romantic and actual horror films (I prefer  the classics: Frankenstein, Dracula, Nosferatu, etc)
The last movie I enjoyed watching was Imaginaerum. I saw it one month ago in my house, alone. I was sick and rested in my bed, listen music and watching a documentary of Nightwish called: Please Learn The Setlist In 48 Hours”, when they talk about a film that they made where Tuomas (the leader of the band) was the co-writer of the history and the composer of the music, so it caught my attention and I decided to search and see it.
It is a Finnish-Canadian production of musical fantasy made in 2012 by director Stobe Harju, and written by him and Tuomas Holopainen. The history is very sad, is about an old man who was a great musician but now is in coma, and he has fantasies of his childhood where he fight with phantoms of his past, and with Alzheimer/dementia, trying to remember his daughter :'C
About the actors, I really don't know anything about them, I only know that Tuomas acts like adult Tom (the principal character), and the rest of the band appear in the musician scenes where they play.
The film was based in the Nightwish's album with the same name: Imaginaerum, published in 2011.

I enjoyed the movie by the music and the history, I like the way the film capture the fantasies of a demential minds, and how the family and friends (in real life) suffer with this condition. 
I hope you search  the movie and enjoy it as I did. I put the trailer.
Have a nice day!

Sunday 19 June 2016

A band I like: Apkoha

Hi guys,
Today I would like to speak about a band I like. Is really difficult to choose one, because I like many bands of diverse styles and type of music, so in this case, I’m going to choose: Arkona
Arkona (Apkoha) is a Russian band of folk-pagan metal. They are five members: Masha, in voice; Sergei in the guitar; Ruslan in bass; Vladimir ‘’volk’’ in wind and ethnic instrument; and Andrey in drums. The leader is a woman: Masha Scream (Maria Arkhipova), who sing in the growl style. She founded the band in 2002, and she is the singer and the composer of the lyrics related to the Russian folklore, their history and some characters of the mythology. I like this band because the theme of the lyrics (I must admit that I have to search the translation because I only know some words of this language), they use some traditional Russian instruments, and especially I like the variation in rhythm, times and combination of sounds in the music (I love the bagpipes sound), this can be eared in the song ‘’Yarilo’’ from the album: Goi, Rode Goi!, maybe this could be called my ‘favorite’ song, but I think the majority of the songs are really good.
This band came twice to Chile, in 2013 and 2015, and I went to see them in both concerts. The last year I have the opportunity to get a VIP ticket and I met them, they are very nice people, thankful to the fans and very cheerful. In the meet & great, I gave a gift to Masha: one ‘Kultrun’, an ethnic instrument from mapuche culture, very similar to a russian instrument that she plays in the show, and in the middle of the concert (in the song: Славься, Русь!), she played the kultrun!! That was amazing, I felt realized! Jajaja the people said: wow, how she obtain that? Who get it to her? And I said in my mind: I was :3 I felt so happy.
So, that’s my experience with Arkona (people joke with ‘Arjona’).  I’ve enjoyed their shows, and I’m trying to learn the language to communicate better.
Have a nice weekend, and tell: happy father’s day

Pd: in the moment I wrote this post, I hadn't a good connection to internet, so now I'm going to show a video of the song  Славься, Русь!, or ''Slavsia, Rus'', where you can see Masha playing the russian instrument in her official video clip.

The other video is the song: Yarilo

Saturday 11 June 2016

Pieces of dreams...

 Hello bloggers:
The english teacher gave us one topic to talk today: something I'd like to learn. Oh God! that's something too difficult for me to define, because I can't live without learn at least one thing in a day (yes, I really think this, since learn a new word, in my language or other, to a new piece of piano score). In languagues, I would like to learn many: mapuzungun, Sign language, Latin, Ancient Greek (or 'classical greek'), German, French, Egyptian: hieroglyphs, hieratic and demotic, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, and a large etc., but these are the most important.

I would like to resume classes of Taekwondo, I used to practice here in the University, and before, in a private classes that I have paid in ATA (American Taekwondo Association), but now my schedule doesn't coincide with classes, but I hope to return soon, because with this I keep active and I can channel my energies towards something productive. I hope some day practice more martial arts like: karate, jiu jitsu, muay thai, and maybe, capoeira.
In instruments, I would like to learn to play Hurdy Gurdy,  this is an stringed instrument originated in Europe in the Medieval Age. I like the sound of the strings and the way it needs to be played, but here, in Chile, is very difficult to get, and it's very expensive, so I suffer for this :C
I put a picture of Anna Murphy, ex-member of Eluveitie, playing the hurdy gurdy.

Also, I would like to take piano lessons because I can play a few songs, but I want a guide to learn me the technique and theoretical part, and thus raise the level of difficulty with professional support, to avoid injury.

I've never taken singing lessons, but I'd like to learn lyrical singing because I want to improve on the high notes, learn relaxation techniques, breathing, voice impost, among other things, because I love this, I sing before three years and I've never stopped to do this. If some day I follow this path, I will with metal music, complementing guttural and lyrical singing. The people say that I'm good in this, but I'm shy and nervous, that's the reason why I don't tell to all. I prefer sing for me, because nobody but me  know when I made mistakes jajajaja  

I let you some picture about Haggard, a German neo-classical metal musical group who combines classical music and early music with death metal. They use orchestras, guttural, lyrics and clean vocals in a perfect combination with different rythms, creating an interesting atmosphere that takes you into the past. Oh, how I enjoy this!

I recommend listening: ''Awaking The Centuries'' and if you don't like guttural, you can listen the cover: ''Hijo de la luna'' in the album ''Tales of Ithiria'' .

For now, all I have to say is: there are so many things we would like to do, and life is so short for do all these, but I hope you can.
Have a nice weekend.

Pieces of dreams


The english teacher give us one topic to talk today: something I'd like to learn. Oh God! that's something too difficult for me to define, because I can't live without learn at least one thing in a day (yes, I really think that, since learn a new word, in my language or other, to a new piece of piano score). In languagues, I would like to learn many: mapuzungun, Sign language, Latin, Ancient Greek (or 'classical greek'), German, French, Egyptian: hieroglyphs, hieratic and demotic, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, and a large etc., but these are more important.

I would like to resume classes of Taekwondo, I used to practice here in the University, and before, in a private classes that I have paid in ATA (American Taekwondo Association), but now my schedule doesn't coincide with classes, but I hope to return soon, because with this I keep active and I can channel my energies towards something productive. I hope some day practice more martial arts like: karate, jiu jitsu, muay thai, and maybe, capoeira. 
In instruments, I would like to learn to play Hurdy Gurdy,  this is an stringed instrument originated in Europe in the Medieval Age. I like the sound of the strings and the way it needs to be played, but here, in Chile, is very difficult to get, and it's very expensive, so I suffer for this :C
I put a picture of Anna Murphy, ex-member of Eluveitie, playing the hurdy gurdy. 

Also, I would like to take piano lessons because I can play a few songs, but I want a guide to learn me the technique and theoretical part, and thus raise the level of difficulty with professional support, to avoid injury.

I've never taken singing lessons, but I'd like to learn lyrical singing because I want to improve on the high notes, learn relaxation techniques, breathing, voice impost, among other things, because I love this, I sing before three years and I've never stopped to do this. If some day I follow this path, I will with metal music, complementing guttural and lyrical singing. The people say that I'm good in this, but I'm shy and nervous, that's the reason why I don't tell to all. I prefer sing for me, because nobody but me  know when I made mistakes jajajaja  
I let you some picture about Haggard, a German neo-classical metal musical group who combines classical music and early music with death metal. They use orchestras, guttural, lyrics and clean vocals in a perfect combination with different rythms, creating an interesting atmosphere that takes you into the past. Oh, how I enjoy this!

I recommend listening: ''Awaking The Centuries'' and if you don't like guttural, you can listen the cover: ''Hijo de la luna'' in the album ''Tales of Ithiria'' .

For now, all I have to say is: there are so many things we would like to do, and life is so short for do all these, but I hope you can.
Have a nice weekend.

Friday 3 June 2016

Santiago, the city where I live at now

Hi, it's me again, and I have to speak about this terrible city  (I miss my town :C )
Santiago is the capital of Chile, and this city  concentrates most of the country's population, about seven of the seventeen million of residents. Due to the Free Trade Agreement (TLC) that the government has done with other countries, Chile has been able to import several articles of different places, and has increased the area of trade. This area mostly concentrates in the center of the city, known as 'Santiago Centro', but also in 'Estación Central'. People of all regions comes to Santiago, with suitcase to buy things for their business or home, because here is cheaper than their provinces. That's the only thing I like of Santiago, the center by the diversity and quantity of articles we can find here in a lowest price.
                                                      Picture about 'Estación Central':
 There are many things I dislike about Santiago, for example, public transport, because is always full, users do not care, destroyed in acts of vandalism, drivers are stressed. The streets are in disrepair, when it rains, they becomes to rivers and the people can't cross the street. There are not enough green spaces, influencing the lower water absorption and emission of oxygen. The pollution is terrible, the air is not pure, you only can see the mountain after rain, you can't see it the rest of the year,  in winter and autumn there are many environmental alerts and emergencies, and we can't play sports or make others exercises. The people don't recycle, don't respect others, it's a noisy city, etc, etc, etc.. 

 I think the changes start at home, it depends on our family and surroundings, and how we respond to this. The people would recycle the things they don't use, or give them to organizations that can do amazing things and give them a new use. We need be more patient and respectful, we must take care of public things, like buses, subways, streets, bus stops, hospitals, etc., because these serves us all. These simple things make the difference and can lead us to have a better coexistence. 

Picture about Santiago after rain

 If a visitor asks me for some tips, the first thing I would say: take care about your belonging, and always watch, because there are many thieves,  and then, I would say: go to Santa Lucia Hill or Huelen, because it has a large and interesting history.  You can also go to San Cristobal Hill, because it has many things inside and around that you could visit; the Nacional Library by the architecture; and the Central Station, to buy a ticket in a train and go out of Santiago jajaja 

Picture about Santa Lucia hill (Left) and Central Station (Right)

I think this country has wonderful places to show that is not in Santiago, so if you want to come here, don't do it, is very full :C the south is amazing :3 (the people says the north too, but I prefer green places and the cold).

  These pictures are about Valdivia, I think this is an amazing place (more beatiful than Santiago).
Regards guys, have a nice weekend.