Friday 27 May 2016

Why I chose Anthropology?

Hi bloggers:
Today I have to speak about my career: Anthropology.
I think Anthropology has many of interesting points, and the love for this can be related with other areas, in my case, is related with my love to read and know about history. 

I think the most important moment in my life was when I learned to read. This helped me discover about the rest of the world. I used to read everything that fell in my hands, from the shampoo label to books of cience fiction. Also, I have always loved the history, because I like to know about the origins of the things or events, these helps us to know: what is, what ever was,  what ever is to come. These are important to create awareness and not commit the same mistakes. 
So, I read a lot and I discovered new cultures, and their history, religion, mithology, society and more things, and I loved it. Before I graduate from primary school, I decided to study Anthropology. In the high school the forensic anthropology interested me, and I decided to have the specialize in the physical area.

As I said in my presentation, the Forensic Anthropology helps the community to know the truth about the death of family members (is involved in legal proceedings), and give an identity to skeletal remains. This is very important to know, especially when the person's death ocurred in a context of Dictatorship or disasters. The work of forensic anthropologists has no time limits, they can try to identify very ancient remains, as very new (when there are not soft tissue). But to achieve this, they need to have an interdisciplinary knowledge: osteology, pathology, archaeology, medicine, populations, demography, taphonomic processes, etc. And they always should be reading to update information and learn more about other areas, that is difficult, they are bones detectives.

At now, my favourite subject is 'Elements of Physical Anthropology', teached by Nicolás Montalva, a social and physical anthropologist. This subject learned us the lines of investigation in Physical Anthropology, such as primates, evolution, ecology, life histories, forensic, bioarcheology, genetics, growth and development, and other theme that I didn't know, and I'm always grateful to learn something new.
This picture is about Nico Montalva.

I am very happy with my choice, and I hope some day graduate in Physical Anthropology and Archaeology too, and work in Bioachaeology in other countries, and touch many bones jajaja  

But at now, I'm in this situation.:

 Kind regards guys! I hope you're fine.


  1. Hi! how are you?! it's great that you want physical anthropology this is a good subject :)) your posts are fantastic! i enjoy it jaja have a good weekend :)

  2. I like Elements Physical of Anthropology, it is very entertaining, I hope you are fine. regards :)

  3. I see that you love your career and that is fantastic, I hope that you can graduate in Physical Anthropology and Archaeology.
    PS: I love the last image :)

  4. Maria your passion is impressive :D
