Friday 27 May 2016

Why I chose Anthropology?

Hi bloggers:
Today I have to speak about my career: Anthropology.
I think Anthropology has many of interesting points, and the love for this can be related with other areas, in my case, is related with my love to read and know about history. 

I think the most important moment in my life was when I learned to read. This helped me discover about the rest of the world. I used to read everything that fell in my hands, from the shampoo label to books of cience fiction. Also, I have always loved the history, because I like to know about the origins of the things or events, these helps us to know: what is, what ever was,  what ever is to come. These are important to create awareness and not commit the same mistakes. 
So, I read a lot and I discovered new cultures, and their history, religion, mithology, society and more things, and I loved it. Before I graduate from primary school, I decided to study Anthropology. In the high school the forensic anthropology interested me, and I decided to have the specialize in the physical area.

As I said in my presentation, the Forensic Anthropology helps the community to know the truth about the death of family members (is involved in legal proceedings), and give an identity to skeletal remains. This is very important to know, especially when the person's death ocurred in a context of Dictatorship or disasters. The work of forensic anthropologists has no time limits, they can try to identify very ancient remains, as very new (when there are not soft tissue). But to achieve this, they need to have an interdisciplinary knowledge: osteology, pathology, archaeology, medicine, populations, demography, taphonomic processes, etc. And they always should be reading to update information and learn more about other areas, that is difficult, they are bones detectives.

At now, my favourite subject is 'Elements of Physical Anthropology', teached by Nicolás Montalva, a social and physical anthropologist. This subject learned us the lines of investigation in Physical Anthropology, such as primates, evolution, ecology, life histories, forensic, bioarcheology, genetics, growth and development, and other theme that I didn't know, and I'm always grateful to learn something new.
This picture is about Nico Montalva.

I am very happy with my choice, and I hope some day graduate in Physical Anthropology and Archaeology too, and work in Bioachaeology in other countries, and touch many bones jajaja  

But at now, I'm in this situation.:

 Kind regards guys! I hope you're fine.

Friday 20 May 2016

Education in Chile: the present

Hi everybody!
Today I want to speak about a very very important topic to the chilean society: Education.
Lately, there has been too much controversy by the Educational Reform implemented by the President Michelle Bachelet, because it includes pre-school, primary, secondary, and higher education (Universities, Professional Institutes, and Technical Schooling Centers). 
I think, this reform was made by the government in a fastest way, and they didn't think about all the implication and consequences of this. They heard ''we want free and quality in education'' in the demonstrations, and they said ''we can have gratuity, like Argentina, why we not?''.
But now we are living the consequences: the promise of free education for higher education is not for all  (Professional Institutes and Technical Schooling Centers were not benefited), the budget isn't enough and for this, they deleted some important scholarships. But this fight was not have been possible without ''Penguins Revolution'', they are the fathers of the struggle for to get a better education in Democracy context. They put the theme in discussion in 2006, and they started the 'Student Movement' of twenty first century, who still alive, and revives in situations like this. 

There are some people who participed in the student movement and now try to change the actual education system, like Giorgio Jackson, Camila Vallejos and Gabriel Boric, or that is the reason why they entered to politics like deputies, because inside this group, they can influence and make changes. I think they tried, but they are very few in comparison with others diputied who don't benefit with these changes, and prefer to keep the actual system.  

I think strikes and demonstrations only serve to press and obtain little things in a short time, but not to make profound changes. Structural changes are made from politics, by congressman, senators and deputies. We, as students, can make demonstrations in the streets to tell the population what happen with us, but with a strike we won't change the system.
Only inside the politic we can make structural changes, but it is a dilemma because young people dismiss this way, because they are tired of seeing corruption, so they are not interested in politics, but is the only real and legal way that I see. But, that is my opinion.

I hope you have a great weekend, don't stress, and live happy.

Friday 13 May 2016

The beautiful Switzerland

Hi everyone!
It's Friday! yes! Today I'm going to talk about a place I would like to visit. Is very difficult to choose one of a hundred places, because they depends on the reason that I want to visit: for working, for living, for a holiday, etc. But today I chose a place to visit in holiday: Switzerland, I put some pictures about this country to you see how beautiful is it.

I think this country is a combination of nature, modernity and past, with wonderful places that gives you peace, calm, and keep away your stress. I would like to go to the alps, to climb the mountains, run through the grass, row on a boat through the lakes, eat a lot of chocolate :3 and many of things that I would like to do here.
Picture of switzerland alps: 
Picture of switzerland chocolate:

 And also have different cultures to know, related with Celts. I would like to know more about a lost culture: Gaul. I knew about they because a Swiss band I listen, called Eluveitie, speaks about this culture, who were dominated by Roman Empire.
Picture about Druids, a culture who lived in Switzerland.
This picture is about Eluveitie, the folk metal Swiss band that speaks about Gaul. They write the letter related with the mythology, the quotidian life and the domination of Gauls. For example, a song called: A rose for Epona, talk about the goddess of fertility, represent by a horse.
 Picture about Epona.
So, that's all that I have to say by today, I hope one day go to Switzerland! If you had gone, please, give me some information about more places to visit here.
Have a nice and relaxing weekend.
Bye guys.

Friday 6 May 2016

Forensic Anthropology: the presentation

Hi guys:
I'm here today (again), like all fridays. This time I have to write about the english oral presentation related with my career. This is the reason why I chose: Forensic Anthropology.

When the teacher said that we had to make a presentation about a theme related with our career, I thought in the speciality that I want, and I chose forensic anthropology because I want to share the importance of this for the community: to know what happens, specially in period of military dictatorship, and how people died. The truth give peace to the family's victims. 

This week was terrible, I had a lot of work to do, so I prepared it the last weekend, and I practice about ten minutes every day, trying to remember all the important things. For me all is important, but I had to present in less than five minutes. 
In the presentation, of course I was nervous. I'm very shy and I don't like to speak in public, my volume is very low and I stutter :C is terrible! But this topic is about something that I love, and finally I could present. 
I enjoyed other presentations, like bioarchaeology and marine archaeology, they are related with anthropology and expositions were very interesting. 
Happy friday, I hope you have a good weekend. 