Friday 8 July 2016

What is your carbon footprint?

 Hi guys!

This time the topic is: Environment and Carbon footprint.
Carbon Footprint is the '' (...) total of greenhouse gas emission directly and indirectly by an individual, organisation, event or product'' (
.html). Today we had to calculate our carbon footprint in the page It was an interesting experience, because I realized what is my impact in the environment. 
According to the website to calculate my carbon footprint, it is around 1,7 tonnes of CO2e, less than Chilean average (3,87 tonnes), and less than worldwide target to combat climate change (2 tonnes).
 I'm surprised by the results, I have to admit that I'm not the best environmentally friendly person, I would like to do more things for the planet, but I think it too depends on the place where we live, for example, when I'm in Queule (my origin place), I recycle more the waste because in there doesn't exist waste collection vehicle or dumping site where the community throw their garbage, so we have to be clever and give different uses to the things. For example: the cardboard we use like doormat in the porch, or we make smaller box to contain little things, like nails, screws, etc., usually to contain tools, and do the same with tin bottles; with organic matter, we collect in pails and once a week we bury somewhere my grandparents want to plant; with fabrics, we make handkerchief, table decorator, or cloth to clean the table; we take care the water, etc.  Here in Santiago I can't do exactly the same things, but with my parents, we go once every two weeks to the nearest recycling point and let everything that can be used, and in the house we unplug the things we are not using, we turn off the light, try as little as possible to open the refrigerator door (I read that the Freon is harmful to the ozone layer), and when I have time, I make crafts of recycled material. 

  I think making this actions we contribute to reduce the consume of energy, and reduce the ecological impact. I would like to sow and plant to obtain my own food, but is difficult because I don't have enough space to plant, and the soil in my house is not good enough to plant the things that I want. I hope someday do this, and other ideas that I think could be interesting to do. 
Give me some ideas to make this a better world C:

Have a nice weekend.


  1. I've always wanted to have my own garden at home, I hope you have yours soon

  2. That good advice for care of the environment in Queule :o

  3. woow your carbon footprint is very low, congratulations!!, and yes, we must care the water, is very important!!.

  4. Your ideas are very good, and Queule seems to be a beautiful place :)
